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Hire Forum Posters
If you have a new or inactive forum, then you probably know how hard it is to get new members and get a forum started. Your main goal is to get new members to register but sometimes it can be hard to get them to do this. It will be even harder to get them to start posting! If you have a small business that depends on a forum or if you want to get more activity, then read the following common questions people have below. Then I'll explain why hiring a forum poster is a very smart plan.
Why is my forum inactive?
The number one reason a forum is inactive is because there is nothing new to discuss. For example, if you don't have much traffic, then not as many members are going to be on at one time to post. Another reason is a lot of people will want to read and they don't want to be the first to post, especially if they know the forum is inactive and they think no one is going to respond to them.
How do I get my forum members to post?
The best way get a member to post on your forum is to get a discussion going. If you are completely new, the number one way to do this is to make fake member accounts or have your friends go on the forum and make discussions and new threads. This will not only make the forum look more active to visitors, they will be more likely to register and post on the forum to get their own view in there or ask questions since they know someone is there to look at it. You should NEVER have an empty forum a category.
How do I get people to join my forum?
Obviously you need to have an active forum, but with no search engine traffic, you may have a hard time even getting people to know you have a forum. The solution to this is having content. By making content yourself with multiple accounts or with your friends, you can make up common questions that people would be likely to search for in the search engine and they can land on your forum, sign up and respond to them!
How do I hire a forum poster?
Here is the main topic of this article. If you don't have time to make up posts yourself, there are literally thousands of people you can hire to post on your forum and I'll show you were you can find them. The first place you can find them is right here on our forums: Freelance Forum Posters in the buy, sell and exchange section under content creation. You may also find them at Digital Point. The average posting rate is about $1 for 10 posts of 35 words total.
Need to boost forum posters? Get paid to post
Hiring a freelance poster essentially solves all the problems listed above. Not only do you get more content for search engines to index, so that you get more search engine traffic, you will also make the forum more active and you'll have a higher conversion of members signing up. Finally, it's good to hire if you want to boost up the forums from time to time if they slow down. It's also a great strategy to supplement when you are using multiple accounts or posting with friends. Then you get even more content and you get extra ideas to post in response to your freelance poster in the forum as well.